Visit from the Minister of Education & Integration

On July 6th Borg CO2 had a visit from Guri Melby, Minister of Education & Integration plus Trond Svandahl and Maren Hersleth Holsen. All representing the political party “Venstre”. Pål Mikkelsen from Borg CO2 showed a presentation of the status for our work including the ongoing pre-feed studies. Thereafter we had a good and open talk several interesting subjects connected to our work.

From left: Pål Mikkelsen, Trond Svandahl, Guri Melby, Maren Hersleth Holsen and Jon Hermansen

From left: Pål Mikkelsen, Trond Svandahl, Guri Melby, Maren Hersleth Holsen and Jon Hermansen

Thanks to everyone for a positive meeting and especially to Borg Havn for hosting this meeting.