Borg CO2´s first newsletter!

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We have now sent out our first newsletters in which we aim to send out monthly updated information about our activities and projects.

Our vision

Borg CO2 will develop an industrial CCUS cluster from three locations in southern Norway with the potential to capture up to 630,000 tons of CO2 per year, including a large proportion that is biogenic and therefore actively reduces atmospheric CO2. After being captured, the CO2 will be liquefied, transported and finally permanently stored. 

The long-term goal for Borg CO2 is to offer emission sources, nationally and internationally a carbon capture service based on a "build, own and operate" principle with validated capture technology and lessons learned for the industry.

By using innovative technology and innovative energy and system solutions, Borg CO2 will contribute not only to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the two mentioned plants, but also to accelerating technology for the efficient capturing of CO2 emitted from hard to abate industrial sectors.

Our projects

Borg CO2 works on projects described as Phase 1 to Phase 3.

  • Phase 1 will capture 120 ktpa from the flue gas emitted by the Waste to Energy plants of FREVAR and Kvitebjørn, located in Fredrikstad.

  • Phase 2 will consist of two or more plants with a total of 180 ktpa of CO2 from the neighboring cities of Halden and Sarpsborg.

  • Phase 3 focuses on 330 ktpa of CO2 from other emitters, also in our region.

Borg CO2 in Norwegian perspective

There is a lot of activity in Norway when it comes to CCUS. Several large, medium and small projects are in progress at various stages. The largest and most known is the Hafslund Oslo Celcio and the Norcem project in Brevik.

On the national scale, Borg CO2 is ranked fifth in its size and potential CO2 capture volume. Our uniqueness is that we, as a cluster, will cooperate closely with the emitters to use existing infrastructure in the best way. Borg CO2 aims to be in operation with Phase 1 in first half of 2026.

Visit from the Minister of Education & Integration

On July 6th Borg CO2 had a visit from Guri Melby, Minister of Education & Integration plus Trond Svandahl and Maren Hersleth Holsen. All representing the political party “Venstre”. Pål Mikkelsen from Borg CO2 showed a presentation of the status for our work including the ongoing pre-feed studies. Thereafter we had a good and open talk several interesting subjects connected to our work.

From left: Pål Mikkelsen, Trond Svandahl, Guri Melby, Maren Hersleth Holsen and Jon Hermansen

From left: Pål Mikkelsen, Trond Svandahl, Guri Melby, Maren Hersleth Holsen and Jon Hermansen

Thanks to everyone for a positive meeting and especially to Borg Havn for hosting this meeting.

Pressrelease: Baker Hughes and Borg CO2 to Collaborate to Develop Carbon Capture & Storage Hub for Industrial

Source: Baker Hughes web

Landmark project aims to capture and store up to 630,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions annually - including ~70% that are biogenic - from three main locations.

Borg CO2 and Baker Hughes aim to progress plans for CO2 capture, liquefaction, and transportation on a waste-to-energy plant in Sarpsborg and develop plans for emitters in Fredrikstad using Baker Hughes’ technology.

HOUSTON, LONDON & FREDRIKSTAD, Norway--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 22, 2021-- Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR), an energy technology company, and Borg CO2 AS, a Norwegian carbon capture and storage developer for industrial clusters, have announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on a carbon capture and storage project to serve as a hub for the decarbonization of industrial sites in the Viken region of Norway. The project aims to capture and store up to 90% of the CO2 emissions from the involved industrial sites, playing an important role in contributing to the Paris Agreement goals, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Norwegian national emissions reduction targets.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

The Borg CO2 project includes several industry partners, as well as the Port of Borg, and aims to capture and store emissions from industrial facilities located in the cities of Fredrikstad, Sarpborg and Halden. The combined industrial cluster is currently responsible for approximately 700,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually. After being captured, the CO2 will be liquified, shipped and eventually stored underneath the seabed of the North Sea. In April 2021, Borg CO2 announced an MOU with Northern Lights JV, who will provide shipping and storage of CO2 as a service provider for Borg CO2.

Borg CO2 and its partners have completed a first feasibility study and are proceeding with an extended feasibility study (pre-FEED) to be completed by the end of 2021 which Baker Hughes will support with its portfolio of carbon capture technologies and engineering services for the study and development of the hub. In addition, Baker Hughes and Borg CO2 will jointly evaluate the optimal structure for implementation of the carbon capture plants and pursue grant and incentive opportunities both in Norway and at the EU level.

Borg CO2’s “industrial cluster” approach provides a prime opportunity for Baker Hughes to test and scale its wide-ranging carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies portfolio on several types of processes including its Chilled Ammonia Process (CAP) and Compact Carbon Capture (CCC) solutions.

“Today, industrial clusters represent around 20% of Europe’s CO 2 emissions. Meaningful decarbonization is not possible without carbon capture, utilization and storage, and this collaboration demonstrates how CCUS technology is accelerating from concept toward commercialization with real-world impact,” said Rod Christie, executive vice president of Turbomachinery & Process Solutions at Baker Hughes. “Our collaboration with Borg CO2 will accelerate development of new energy frontiers like CCUS, and we believe it is critical to help them at an early stage by strategically supporting with our best in class technology.”

“With the technology competencies and experience of Baker Hughes supporting us, we believe that Borg CO 2 is better positioned to take the next steps towards commercialization and achieve our goals for the project,” said Tore Lundestad, managing director of Borg CO 2 and Harbour Master for the port of Borg. “A project like this showcases a win-win approach where permanent storage combined with the possibility of sustainable usage of smaller volumes of biogenic CO2 will help to achieve net-zero, and with the industrial facilities potentially receiving revenue by selling negative CO2 emissions”.

The Baker Hughes CCUS portfolio features advanced turbomachinery, solvent-based state-of-the-art capture processes, well construction and management for CO2 storage, and advanced digital monitoring solutions. Baker Hughes has a longstanding presence in Norway with six facilities and approximately 2,000 employees.

About Baker Hughes

Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and with operations in over 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet. Visit us at

About Borg CO2

Borg CO2 AS is a Norwegian Limited Liability Company. Its purpose is to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, primarily for industrial facilities in Viken (Østfold), Norway. Since 2018, it has worked on mapping the opportunity to develop CCS for an industrial cluster and has recently finished a complete feasibility study. The feasibility study had 18 partners representing process industry, waste management, logistics, energy, carbon capture technology, technology providers and academia. Borg CO2 are now conducting a pre-FEED with 9 partners and CLIMIT support, based on the feasibility study. The CO2 capture potential of the full-scale CCS cluster is 630,000 tonnes annually from five regional industrial sources. The port of Borg will serve as a host for a future CO2 terminal. Borg CO2 is supported by CLIMIT, a national programme for research, development and testing of CCS technologies. Visit:

View source version on Baker Hughes:

Media Relations

Helen Roberts

+44 (0)7557 812474

Investor Relations

Jud Bailey

+1 281-809-9088

For Borg CO2:

Media Relations

Jon Hermansen, Project manager

+ 47 94813171

Pål Mikkelsen, Chair of the steering committee

+ 47 94833423

Source: Baker Hughes

"CCS-klynga på Øra og regionalt" inviterer til webinar 18. juni 09:00 - 11:00

18 partnere har siden mai 2019 jobbet sammen i et mulighetsstudie, støttet av CLIMIT, for å danne grunnlag for å etablere karbonfangst, bærekraftig bruk og lagring i en industriklynge på Øra og regionalt.

18. juni inviterer partnerskapet til webinar - åpent for alle - der de vil presentere funn fra studiet, samt veien videre.


  • 09:00 – 09:10 Velkommen v/styreleder Harald Rønneberg og daglig leder Tore Lundestad (Borg CO2)

  • 09:10 – 09:30 Mulighetsstudiet “CCS-klynga på Øra og regionalt” v/Pål Mikkelsen (Stormkast Utvikling)

  • 09:30 – 09:40 CO2-Terminal Borg Havn v/Tore Lundestad (Borg Havn)

  • 09:40 – 10:00 CO2-Kilde v/Gudmund Jenssen (Norske Skog Saugbrugs)

  • 10:00 – 10:30 LCA av CCS & CCU v/Hanne L. Raadal (NORSUS)

  • 10:30 – 10:45 Impurities in CO2 streams - What are they and why are they important? v/Gaute Svenningsen (IFE)

  • 10:45 – 10:50 CLIMIT v/Ingrid Sørum Melaaen

  • 10:50 – 11:00 Veien videre for etablering av CCS-klyngen v/Pål Mikkelsen (Stormkast Utvikling)


Påmelding sendes på mail til eller på sms til: +47 941 71 118. Merk med ditt navn og firma du representerer.

Borg CO2_Mulighetsstudiet_MAL.jpg

Press release - Borg CO2 and Northern Lights to collaborate on carbon capture and storage

Borg CO2 and Northern Lights have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to explore the feasibility of CO2 capture, transport and storage solutions for industrial partners in the Nedre Glomma region.

Borg CO2 is a joint project between 18 industry partners and the port of Borg, which will serve as host for a future CO2 loading terminal. The plan is to transport captured CO2 to this terminal, where it will be loaded onboard a Northern Lights operated ship for transport to the intermediate storage terminal at Øygarden on the Norwegian west coast. From Øygarden the CO2 will be injected into a 100 km long pipeline and injected into permanent storage in a reservoir 2.6 km below the seabed.

Borg CO2 is developing a carbon capture and storage (CCS) solution for emissions from industrial facilities in Fredrikstad, Sarpsborg and Halden. The industrial cluster employs 1,400 people and is responsible for emissions of almost 700,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. The aim is to capture and store up to 90% of the total emissions, or around 630,000 tonnes a year.

Northern Lights delivers CO2 transport and storage as a service and aims to enable the decarbonisation of industrial emissions and to facilitate the removal of CO2 from the air. The company is a joint venture between partners Equinor, Shell and Total.

“This collaboration with Northern Lights is important for the development of carbon capture and storage solutions in the region. Without the pioneering work done by Northern Lights to create an open source third party storage facility, carbon capture would not be possible in our region”, said Tore Lundestad, managing director of Borg CO2 and Harbour Master for the port of Borg.

Tore på brygga.jpg

“We are very pleased about this collaboration. CO2 management is important to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Low carbon industrial production will be a competitive advantage in Europe. Northern Lights offers the opportunity to store CO2 safely and permanently deep under the seabed in Norway and if the project is realised it will be an important contribution to protecting and creating new climate neutral jobs in the region”, said Børre Jacobsen, managing director of Northern Lights.


Borg CO2 is currently completing a feasibility study involving 18 industrial partners, representing process industry, waste management, logistics, energy, technology providers and academia. It is supported by CLIMIT, a national programme for research, development and testing of CCS technologies.



·         Northern Lights delivers CO2 transport and storage as a service and aims to enable the decarbonisation of industrial emissions and to facilitate the removal of CO2 from the air.

·         The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the approval of the plan for development/installation and operation (PDO/PIO) for the project on March 9, 2021.

·         Northern Lights comprises transportation, receipt and permanent storage of CO2 in a reservoir in the northern North Sea.

·         Initially, Northern Lights includes capacity to transport, inject and store up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Once the CO2 is captured onshore, it will be transported by newly designed ships, injected and permanently stored 2,600 meters below the seabed of the North Sea.

·         The facilities are scheduled to be operational in 2024.

·         The CO2 receiving terminal will be located at the premises of Naturgassparken industrial area in the municipality of Øygarden in western Norway. 

·         Plans exist to increase the capacity to 5 Mt per year through additional phases of development.

·         Northern Lights is developed and will be operated by Northern Lights JV DA. The company is jointly owned by Equinor, Norske Shell and Total E&P Norge.

·         Website:



Borg CO2 is registered as a subsidiary of Borg Havn IKS. Its purpose is to organise, develop, evaluate, plan and map the potential for deploying carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, primarily for industrial facilities in Østfold. Since 2018, it has worked on mapping the opportunity to develop CCS for an industrial cluster in eastern Norway.

The project has 18 partners representing process industry, waste management, logistics, energy, technology providers and academia. National CCS partners contribute jointly with local and regional companies:

Borg Havn, FREVAR KF, NORSUS, Kvitebjørn Bio-El, Fortum Oslo Varme, EGE Oslo, Stormkast Utvikling, Equinor, IFE, CO2 Capsol, Borregaard, Acinor, Compact Carbon Capture, Biobe, Norske Skog Saugbrugs, Østfold Energi, Geminor and Sarpsborg Avfallsenergi.

The CO2 capture potential is 630,000 tonnes CO2 annually from five regional industrial sources. The port of Borg will serve as host for a future CO2 loading terminal.


Invitasjon til Leverandørkonferanse

Borg CO2 har jobbet planmessig med karbonfangst, bruk og lagring, siden årsskiftet 2018/2019. Et bredt partnerskap med 18 bedrifter har, med støtte fra CLIMIT og vertskommuner, jobbet frem et godt grunnlag for å bli en motor for grønn vekst lokalt og regionalt. Samlet har klyngen potensiale for å fange opp mot 630.000 tonn CO2 inkludert en stor andel såkalt biogent fordelt på tre lokasjoner. Dette vil være et viktig bidrag til mål om reduserte klimagassutslipp innen 2030. 17. februar vil Borg CO2 avholde en leverandørkonferanse åpen for alle.

Agenda for konferansen:

  • Introduksjon Borg CO2

  • Hvor skal vi? Planer, kommende behov og evt. anskaffelsesprosesser

  • Åpent for spørsmål, kommentarer etc.


Påmelding: Send en mail til så sender vi invitasjon direkte.


For eventuelle spørsmål, ta kontakt med;

Camilla Brox

prosjektleder Borg CO2 ‘Mulighetsstudiet CCS-klynga Øra og regionalt’

M: +47 941 71 118