Borg CO2´s first newsletter!

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We have now sent out our first newsletters in which we aim to send out monthly updated information about our activities and projects.

Our vision

Borg CO2 will develop an industrial CCUS cluster from three locations in southern Norway with the potential to capture up to 630,000 tons of CO2 per year, including a large proportion that is biogenic and therefore actively reduces atmospheric CO2. After being captured, the CO2 will be liquefied, transported and finally permanently stored. 

The long-term goal for Borg CO2 is to offer emission sources, nationally and internationally a carbon capture service based on a "build, own and operate" principle with validated capture technology and lessons learned for the industry.

By using innovative technology and innovative energy and system solutions, Borg CO2 will contribute not only to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the two mentioned plants, but also to accelerating technology for the efficient capturing of CO2 emitted from hard to abate industrial sectors.

Our projects

Borg CO2 works on projects described as Phase 1 to Phase 3.

  • Phase 1 will capture 120 ktpa from the flue gas emitted by the Waste to Energy plants of FREVAR and Kvitebjørn, located in Fredrikstad.

  • Phase 2 will consist of two or more plants with a total of 180 ktpa of CO2 from the neighboring cities of Halden and Sarpsborg.

  • Phase 3 focuses on 330 ktpa of CO2 from other emitters, also in our region.

Borg CO2 in Norwegian perspective

There is a lot of activity in Norway when it comes to CCUS. Several large, medium and small projects are in progress at various stages. The largest and most known is the Hafslund Oslo Celcio and the Norcem project in Brevik.

On the national scale, Borg CO2 is ranked fifth in its size and potential CO2 capture volume. Our uniqueness is that we, as a cluster, will cooperate closely with the emitters to use existing infrastructure in the best way. Borg CO2 aims to be in operation with Phase 1 in first half of 2026.