Borg CO2 strengthens the team

Guro Nereng joins Borg CO2 from January 2023. She will be responsible for communication and public relations, as well as other tasks.  

Photo: Martin Norderhaug, Klima Østfold.

- We look forward to working with Nereng, says Tore Lundestad, CEO of Borg CO2. - Her background from environmental NGOs and the public sector, combined with her knowledge of our region, will be an asset to our team. We will now to be able to work more systematically to make Borg CO2 well known among stakeholders that are important to us.

Nereng is enthusiastic about this opportunity and elaborates:
- The UN Climate panel has established that industrial carbon capture and storage is one of the key solutions to achieve global climate goals. It motivates me greatly being able to contribute to the realisation here in Fredrikstad together with industrial facilities in the Østfold region and other partners.

Borg CO2 aims to capture emissions from industry in Halden, Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad. The port of Borg will serve as a host for a future CO2 terminal for shipment to storage in the North Sea. The identified CO2 capture potential of the full-scale CCS cluster is 630,000 tonnes annually from five regional industrial sources. 

Nereng has experience from the environmental NGOs Bellona and ZERO, where she worked to promote better governmental framework for energy efficiency. In the past 7 years she has worked on climate mitigation at both the Østfold county and Fredrikstad municipal administrations. Nereng joins Borg CO2 in a 50% part-time position, while continuing her job as climate advisor in the Fredrikstad municipality administration.

Contact info:
phone: + 47 41 62 44 26